"Why haven't you posted for so long Rouge Wandrer ? I just hope you are okay "
I just noticed today that we are in the beginning of a new year, so I logged on today on my blogger account, for the first time in Soooo long that I feared I might have forgotten the password :). Only to find this above comment by Amira Elgohary waiting for me. Frankly I was surprised that I still have a reader in this cyber space :D and surly I can easily say that I was moved for someone asking about my posts.
First thank you Amira, and second , Happy New Year to you and to whoever is still passing by this blog, My blog :).
Well, I don't know how to explain my absence, basically because I believe I kind of lost the ability to express what feel or think !! that same ability to express was sharpened a few years ago through this blog and I was a much better person at expressing my self back then, any way I'll try and bear with me for my random thoughts.
sometimes I feel it's so crowded in my mind that it's hard to grab one continuous thought and express it on a post. and some times I feel totally the opposite, that is having noting at all in my mind or soul that needs or worth mentioning here !
plus, I know that I lost interest in a lot of things that were my passion or meant a lot to me in the past, and I just HOPE I'll get back to where I left and that's just a temporary state. these things , my passions, were the material for a lot of posts here .
also, some times I feel that this life is worthless and that there is no point of a lot of things in it,
and being a person who mostly don't like to give people negative energy thoughts, I shut up in those times.
also, I became really fat and that makes me really angry and sad too.
I might seem like i'm depressed or something, which might be true by the way, but even if I am , it would be to the least extent , I just believe or Hope that it's just a mid-life crisis situation :D !.
Anyway, I feel That I'm willing to concentrate again on this blog in this new year, ISA. :)
P.S. writing this I remembered one thing I love about this blog, I can say what ever I want to say without any fear of being misunderstood :)
ـ "... إن فى الإنسان منطقة عجيبة سحيقة لا تصل إليها الفضيلة ولا الرذيلة ، ولا تشع فيها شمس العقل والإرادة ، ولا ينطق لسان المنطق ، ولا تطاع القوانين والأوضاع ، ولا تتداول فيها لغة أو تستخدم كلمة ... إنما هى مملكة نائية عن عالم الألفاظ والمعاني ... كل مافيها شفاف هفاف يأتي بالأعاجيب فى طرفة عين ... يكفي أن ترن فى أرجائها نبرة ، أو تبرق لمحة ، أو ينشر شذا عطر ، حتى يتصاعد من أعماقها فى لحظة من الإحساسات والصور والذكريات ، ما يهز كياننا ويفتح نفوسنا على أشياء لا قبل لنا بوصفها ، ولا بتجسيدها ، ولو لجأ إلى أدق العبارات و أبرع اللغات ... " ـ
توفيق الحكيم
Within man lies a deep wondrous spot, to which neither virtue nor vice can reach. Upon which the sun of reason and will never rise. In which the mouth of logic never speaks, the laws and rules are never obeyed, and not a language is used nor a word is ever spoken.
It is a distant Kingdom, beyond words and meanings. With everything is a sheer murmur offering wonders in a blink. From the depths of which, suffice a single tone or a flash of mind or a scent of a perfum, to allow rise of emotions, pictures and memories, a rising that will shake our being and open ourselves to things we can neither describe nor materialize even if we used the most refined of phrases or the most skillful of languages.
Tawfiq Al-Hakim.
(My humble transalation of the arabic text)
Within man lies a deep wondrous spot, to which neither virtue nor vice can reach. Upon which the sun of reason and will never rise. In which the mouth of logic never speaks, the laws and rules are never obeyed, and not a language is used nor a word is ever spoken.
It is a distant Kingdom, beyond words and meanings. With everything is a sheer murmur offering wonders in a blink. From the depths of which, suffice a single tone or a flash of mind or a scent of a perfum, to allow rise of emotions, pictures and memories, a rising that will shake our being and open ourselves to things we can neither describe nor materialize even if we used the most refined of phrases or the most skillful of languages.
Tawfiq Al-Hakim.
(My humble transalation of the arabic text)
hey actually I am so grateful for this post , I didn't know u will show up and that was enough , I still come here from time to time and I was kind of disappointed that there was nothing new except for this was post from Jan , I am still waitin for you to put urself together and get back .
Well Amira , thanks a lot for being so patient about me and this blog :) I've not been very focused regarding checking on comments , so I missed this comment of yours for more than eight months, Jut read it and thank you so much for your nice comment. I hope you like my newest post, the first in 2017.
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