ـ "... إن فى الإنسان منطقة عجيبة سحيقة لا تصل إليها الفضيلة ولا الرذيلة ، ولا تشع فيها شمس العقل والإرادة ، ولا ينطق لسان المنطق ، ولا تطاع القوانين والأوضاع ، ولا تتداول فيها لغة أو تستخدم كلمة ... إنما هى مملكة نائية عن عالم الألفاظ والمعاني ... كل مافيها شفاف هفاف يأتي بالأعاجيب فى طرفة عين ... يكفي أن ترن فى أرجائها نبرة ، أو تبرق لمحة ، أو ينشر شذا عطر ، حتى يتصاعد من أعماقها فى لحظة من الإحساسات والصور والذكريات ، ما يهز كياننا ويفتح نفوسنا على أشياء لا قبل لنا بوصفها ، ولا بتجسيدها ، ولو لجأ إلى أدق العبارات و أبرع اللغات ... " ـ

توفيق الحكيم

Within man lies a deep wondrous spot, to which neither virtue nor vice can reach. Upon which the sun of reason and will never rise. In which the mouth of logic never speaks, the laws and rules are never obeyed, and not a language is used nor a word is ever spoken.
It is a distant Kingdom, beyond words and meanings. With everything is a sheer murmur offering wonders in a blink. From the depths of which, suffice a single tone or a flash of mind or a scent of a perfum, to allow rise of emotions, pictures and memories, a rising that will shake our being and open ourselves to things we can neither describe nor materialize even if we used the most refined of phrases or the most skillful of languages.

Tawfiq Al-Hakim.
(My humble transalation of the arabic text)

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Cheesy adolescent :D

Today my mom retrieved me an old cassette of mine :), back in time when I was young I used to buy blank cassettes and record my then favorite music on them so that I could have a tape full only of songs that I like and nothing else.
I would play those tapes on and on endlessly while I did what ever I had to do, play, cook, study , any thing . Today I relieved the situation again, it was like a deja vu :D cooking to my recorded music. It was great and funny in a way  :D .
Funny because mainly I smiled at the cheesiness of some of the songs I chose to record back then :D :D I guess I can attribute that to the age I recorded it, the adolescence, little did I know about good music I suppose but probably my taste was under-development  back then. I mean I had good music as well, but some songs in that tape I would never ever include in my favorite song's collection at all.
One of those Songs i'm sorry to declare is Lady, Kenny Rogers. I guess maybe in this particular song it is because it was almost a stable in every wedding I attended through the 1980s and early 90s , so may be I coupled it with  romance as I imagined it back then :D :D  Today If I'm choosing a romantic song to include in my romantic collection I'd probably not choose a song with that same atmosphere as "Lady".But then again, It might not be that cheesy after all and I just grew up and believe that romance is much more complicated than the simplicity of Lady  ... don't know!.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Energy vampires

Energy vampires : are emotionally immature individuals who have the sense that the whole world revolves around them. They are almost incapable of seeing things from another person's perspective. They often lack empathy.

To have some of them in family and some at work can give you some idea how lucky I am :S :D :D 

I liked this post about them :) enjoy it too, I hope.


Saturday, March 11, 2017

To my Mr. fifty ..a Thank You note... ten years later!

Well, I just hope you read this post :)

Why this late ?. I don't know, may be it's because as we grow older we come to understand or re-evaluate people and/or situations more accurately and so we understand more. It took me like seven or eight years to realize that I really want to thank you. Which means that I have been thinking about writing this note for ... like 3 years.

Why did I choose to call you Mr. Fifty ?. :D Well, may be because one day a long time ago, ten years or so,  you said you had a "dark side" that we never really delved into but I could guess parts of it in a way, and so he reminds me of you. Maybe because like him, you used the word "It's complicated" a lot :) I would say, a lot more than him. And maybe because I want  to return to my younger more carefree, playful self, who used to play with words or so and let movies and novels have a great influence on her expressions. But probably because I evaluate you and I in our humble chaste old relationship as Mr. fifty and miss Steele.
I just hope my subconscious is not that twisted to wish to be Ana Steele :D.

Some metaphor I know, but I find it incredibly fit :), the physical aspect of their relationship was never there in ours in any form I know, But, and that's what a want to thank you for...

Through you, I learned a lot, and I mean a lot, about people in general, about life, about art even, but mostly and most importantly I guess, about myself .
Somehow, Unknown to you at first I believe, You took that old naive girl who was really with the emotions of a 15 year old to the new level of her real age and mindset.
I thank you for accepting our differences, most of the time :D, and focusing on what we had in common.
I thank you for not enforcing any thing that I didn't like to deal with,
I thank you for putting me on the first step of a long staircase leading me to understand myself, know what I would accept and what I would refuse, what I would like and what I would hate, what I would tolerate And what I would never ever tolerate.
I thank you for giving me a chance to see a man with a dark side and realize that he is not the worst creature on planet, To teach me that bad is not absolute and so I made the correlation and learned that good is not absolute too. And that is one important correlation in this modern life :).
Most important point I really wanted to thank you for is being True to yourself, most of the time I know, not full time :) but at least you had the courage to say out loud at least once how do you really see yourself. Though I too - like Grey - think the distance gives people some courage.
Through you and because of you I learned that life isn't really black or white, that people are never in black or white, each and every one of us is really fifty shades of gray, that the only difference is that some people admit that they have this dark side and some live the lie till the end .

P.S. I know for sure that you never meant to teach me all that, and for sure you don't know that you had such an impact on me, but I thank the chance that made it happen :).