So, what is a Dark Side ?
This is the question that poped-up in my head twice by other people and many times by myself in the past few days. A dear one asked me what's my dark side ? in another argument suggested that a dark side is where the hidden secrets and desires lie, i suppose stressing more on desires, and in a third argument commented on a way of handling things ironically as " a part of the character " not a dark area in a person.
Another way of describing the dark side was in the only comment i got in the last post, the first about the dark sides, that "it may not be dark after all ... ..., what you call "dark side" may be considered something natural in terms of someone else". I suppose this means that the dark side of anybody's personality is the area that's not accepted by the other. Whatever this area contains !!
So , and since i'm a fan of definitions, or perhaps better to say good understanding! i've been thinking, trying to get a clear definition for what we mean when we say "a dark side in a person ".
Is it where we hide forbidden ideas, desires, secrets and maybe more !!! and by forbidden i mean heavenly or socially or both ! Ideas and desiers that we long to declare and fulfill but can't, just because we fear the judgment. But this would simly mean that a Hippie has no dark sides , since society and religion means nothing to him !! am i right ?
Is the dark side where we lock in another chatacter we have, and throw the key, for good sometimes, so that i won't escape ? Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde style maybe !!! with some of us can even control it and let it out every once and a while in certain situations ?? Sometimes it's the other way around, this other locked-up character overpowers the original, may be the hermit in Thais is an example !
Or does a dark side only means the darkest shade, the concentrate, of our own everyday, publicly shown, and sometimes even praised qualities. For example, a dreamer or an imaginative person could turn into an eccentric person when this quality overwhelms him !!
Or is there another description for this Dark Side that hasn't crossed my mind ??
I guess i'll leave this argument open, i can't really decide, except that it's a combination of all that's said above, maybe suggesting that there is no other character inside us, it's just a part of us that even we are unaware of !!! it's the same us, from a totally different angle.